Over and Underground System Analysis in the Time Domain

XGSA_TD can be used for advanced electromagnetic interference and fields analysis of aboveground and underground systems in the time domain taking into account transients with maximum bandwidth up to about 100 MHz and is commonly used for the evaluation of interference in transient conditions. This module can also calculate the electromagnetic force on conductors.

XGSA_TD includes the tools SRA and SSA for soil resistivity analysis, soil seasonal analysis and multilayer soil modelling.

XGSA_TD is highly appreciated for its power and accuracy and used by both Universities and Industries.


XGSA_TD is a powerful module which extends the XGSA_FD application field to the time domain.

In this regard, XGSA_TD uses the so called “frequency domain approach”. This approach is rigorous and allows considering the frequency dependence of soil parameters.

XGSA_TD can be applied to transients with maximum bandwidth up to about 100 MHz, and then can be used for switching transients, lightning and also in fault transients in GIS.

As for XGSA_FD, also XGSA_TD is a multipurpose software and its application field includes power systems, grounding, interference and lightning analysis. For instance, XGSA_TD can evaluate the distribution of the lightning stroke currents along lightning protection system (underground and overhead components) and also the related potential, electromotive force and leakage current distributions in the time domain.

XGSA_TD is also useful to calculate magnetic and electric fields due to underground or overhead electrodes in the time domain.

  • Maximum calculation frequency used 1, 10 or 100 MHz (1 MHz for switching transients, 10 MHz for lightning, 100 MHz for fast transients like fault transients in GIS)
  • Parameters of the normalized standard transient function (Double Exponential, Pulse or Heidler functions)
  • Samples or arbitrary normalized transient functions or recorded transient (copied from EXCEL® files)
  • Number of critical frequencies (with default or customized selection)

XGSA_FD provides the time domain distribution and the frequency spectrum of the input transient (with linear and Log scale plot).

XGSA_TD results are as for XGSA_FD but in the time domain. Calculations of earth potentials, touch and step voltages, electric and magnetic fields are possible along lines.

XGSA_TD includes an option to export frequency dependent self and mutual impedances to EMTP® or ATP® in order to simulate with a rigorous model the dynamic behavior of large grounding systems during electromagnetic transients.

It is possible to represent:

  • The time domain distribution of leakage current, longitudinal current, potential, electromotive force and complex power in each point on the electrodes with 1D representation
  • The time domain distribution of earth potentials, touch and step voltages, electric and magnetic fields in each point of a line calculation
  • The distribution of earth potentials, touch and step voltages, electric and magnetic fields along an entire line calculation at a fixed time
  • The animation of the time domain distribution of earth potentials, touch and step voltages, electric and magnetic fields along an entire line calculation
  • The time domain distribution of electromagnetic forces in each point on the electrodes with 1D representation

As for XGSA_FD but in the time domain.
